Below are the documents and series of correspondence between the LFGC, Londonderry Planning Board and the Litchfield Planning Committee. Additionally, the project documents have been included.

200-Yard Range Design Plan 400-Yard Range Design Plan Regional Impact Determination Agenda Abutter List - Litchfield Londonderry
 Litchfield Planning Board Letter to Londonderry Planning Board  LFGC Site Plan Application  Londonderry Planning Board Escrow Agreement  LPB Escrow Computation
 Londonderry Design Review Committee Feedback LFGC Site Design Review - Stantec  N.H. Department of Environmental Services Alteration of Terrain Permit  N.H. Department of Environmental Services Wetlands Permit
 Letter from LFGC to Litchfield Planning Board  Letter to Londonderry DRC-Parking  Public Hearing Notice SNHPC October 29 Letter to Londonderry Planning

 Other Historical and related Documents

Continental Paving v. Litchfil\eld ZBA

One Member of the Litchfield Planning Board (an alternate) stated he had no disclosure that "a shooting range" existed so close to Lund Street when he purchased his home...

Just so that folks know every warranty deed for the Lund Street homes contains an LFGC Disclosure


400 Yard Range Construction

15,000 Pounds of Explosives